Daily Process
all successful people have one thing in common, Good daily habits. they did not start off with these good habits. successful people accumulated these habits over a period of time. it takes time to build up the momentum for these habits to snowball.
first, comes the decision to make daily improvements. then, there must be action. the action does not mean not making mistakes. what it does mean is just do it. try something and if it works keep it, and if it doesnt then scrap it. its all trial and error in the beginning. we all have to find our own way and find what works for us.
something else that can be done is find a mentor. find somebody who is in the position that you want to be in and emulate what that person does. again, if it works for you keep it, if it dont then scrap it. the reason why a mentor is valuable, is a mentor has already made mistakes and has a blue print. chances are your mentor had a mentor, or started very young and made many mistakes. nothing will teach you more about life than getting kicked in the teeth.
examples of good habits are: waking early, hygiene, reading, writing, exercise, pursue a goal, etc. these are just examples. and some of these examples are part of a daily process i am going to share with you today. i highly suggest if you are a young man under the age of 25, you spend 10 straight years working on becoming the absolute best version of yourself so you can be ready for any opportunity coming your way. the universe rewards sacrifice, and it punishes laziness.
a sacrifice isnt giving up something that you enjoy, instead you must give up a need, a want, a desire. a real sacrifice is giving up a social life, some sort of comfort that makes life fun if you will. i hate to be the one that breaks it to you; but you were not put here to have fun. you were put here to discover your highest self and gifting that man to your people.
what follows is a list of habits that are part of a daily process that has served me well. anytime i have strayed from this list i can feel losing favor with universal laws and i no longer feel good about myself. as long as i stayed true to my daily process and checked off my list i knew i had a full day, my heart was full, and my body earned the right to sleep.
wake up early before the sun rises
write out my goals to accomplish for the day
read a sentence or 2 from either a quote book or something that i could apply to my life that day
listen to a piece of music that invokes an emotional response, something that sets your soul on fire and could bring tears to your eyes
get some good food into your body, whole food, not cereal, (eggs, bacon, potatoes, think eat like a king)
attack your day with the determination of a vengeful viking god ( this includes going to the gym, getting your other meals in, and being a savage gentleman at work)
go over what you accomplished during the day, and learn why you didnt accomplish what you set out to.